Suitable for wall or filling pipe installation for cubic tanks.
Equally suitable for replacement or new installation.
Operating temperature range:
-30° C to +70° C, electrical data and connection values according to TTV, appendix 2, paragraph 22.
Design features:
- Flexible modular system, probe/connector mounting kit combination for all application criteria.
- compression fitting standard Gc 1"
- Probes 0 22 mm and spacer tube 0 14 mm made of Hostaform
- With imprinted installation scale
- Connection head made of glass fiber reinforced polyamide for connection of probe cable 0 5.0 - 7.2 mm, using connector sleeves 2.8 x 0.8 mm
Electrical connections:
A: blue
B: black
C: green
BC: lamp circuit
AC: photoresistor circuit
Probe and mounting kit are supplied separately. The probe cable is connected to the mounting kit.